Learn more about plant-based lifestyles at these informative and fun events.
Hello everyone! I wanted to update you all on where we are. As many of you may know Dr. Conway has retired from Orthopedic Surgery effective 12/31/21. Yippee!! This has been a few years in the making and we are so excited for this next chapter. With that being said we are actually going to take some time off and enjoy some retirement time as well as assess what the future of our plantbased seminars will look like. So please stay tuned by checking back on this page as well as our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram under plantbasedokc. We really hope to be back for in person meetings soon!
In the meantime we are honored to be part of a new book that was just released. This book, Disease Reversal Hope!, has our story along with 35 other amazing transformation stories. It’s a must read and we hope you’ll want to share it with others. I am attaching a link below to purchase the book on Amazon. In addition, and even more exciting, a documentary based on this book will be released in early 2022. So stay tuned!
Dr. Conway will spend time going over the science behind why a plant-based diet is the healthiest way to eat to prevent and reverse many of our chronic diseases. Andrea Conway will go over how to get started implementing this way of eating into your current lifestyle. The seminar is always free of charge! Plan on 2 1/2 – 3 hours of great information!